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5 Top Social Media Marketing Experts You Need to Follow

Written by SocialSellinator Team | Dec 2, 2023 1:09:21 AM


As experts in social media marketing, we at SocialSellinator know firsthand the sea of data, strategies, and theories you must navigate in this digital marketing realm. Each day offers new shifts, updates, and tools, making it crucial for anyone in charge of brand visibility and customer interaction to keep up.

But who has the time to sift through all that information?

This is where the top social media marketing experts come in. These professionals have dedicated themselves to examining, breaking down, and sharing the best strategies in a digestible format. Following their guidance can mean the difference between aimlessly floating in the digital sea or navigating your brand to the shores of success.

Together, we champion the mantra of authentic engagement, data-driven strategies, and return on investment (ROI) focus. Let's traverse together through this journey, leveraging the insights of these experts, and implementing their proven strategies in a manner tailored to your specific needs.

Here is a quick list of the top five social media marketing experts you should start following:

  1. Gary Vaynerchuk
  2. Mari Smith
  3. Neil Patel
  4. Rand Fishkin
  5. Ann Handley

Stay tuned as we dive deeper into why these experts are worth your time and how their insights, coupled with our services, can skyrocket your brand's social media presence.

Expert 1: Gary Vaynerchuk

Who is Gary Vaynerchuk?

Gary Vaynerchuk, also known as Gary Vee, is a serial entrepreneur, one of the top social media marketing experts, and a notable author. He is the CEO of VaynerMedia, a full-service digital agency. His investments include Facebook, Twitter, and Uber, showcasing his keen eye for startups that reshape the industry.

Vaynerchuk has made his mark in the digital marketing field with his unique approach to social media trends. His knack for spotting and leveraging these trends has been instrumental in his success and the success of those who follow his strategies. His achievements include being one of Crain’s 40 under 40 and INC’s 25 Social Media Keynote Speakers You Need to Know.

Key Social Media Marketing Strategies Suggested by Gary Vaynerchuk

Gary Vaynerchuk's expertise lies in a broad range of areas including content creation, advertising, brand building, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and social media management. He emphasizes the value of customer-centric business operations and the importance of staying ahead of digital trends.

His strategies often revolve around the practical application of social media trends for businesses, finding the right investors, and creating unique marketing strategies for startups. Vaynerchuk also has a strong presence on Snapchat, where he shares insights on how he spots and interprets trends on social media.

How to Follow and Learn from Gary Vaynerchuk

To glean insights from Gary Vaynerchuk, you can follow him on SnapChat and Twitter. If you prefer video content, you can also subscribe to his YouTube channel.

At SocialSellinator, we align ourselves with the values of industry leaders like Gary Vee. We incorporate their proven strategies into our services to provide effective social media management and digital marketing services. Stay tuned as we explore more top social media marketing experts and how their expertise can be leveraged to bolster your brand's online presence.

Expert 2: Mari Smith

We now take a look at another top social media marketing expert, Mari Smith, often referred to as the "Queen of Facebook".

Who is Mari Smith?

Mari Smith is a renowned Facebook marketing specialist with an impressive track record. Her expertise is so sought after that Facebook itself employed her to teach seminars under their official Boost Your Business series of training events across the United States. With a title as a Forbes’ Top Social Media Power Influencer, Smith's insights have helped countless businesses optimize their Facebook strategies. She is the author of “The New Relationship Marketing” and co-author of “Facebook Marketing: An Hour A Day.”

Mari Smith's Social Media Marketing Strategies

Smith's strategies center on understanding the nuances of Facebook as a platform. She focuses on contemporary practices, growth hacks, and keeping abreast of changes and updates on the platform. Her insights are practical and directly applicable, which makes her advice invaluable for anyone looking to expand their brand's reach on Facebook.

Smith's approach to social media marketing emphasizes the importance of not just broadcasting your message, but engaging with your audience, fostering relationships, and providing value. This approach aligns with our belief at SocialSellinator that authentic engagement is key to successful marketing.

Following Mari Smith

Mari Smith is very active on her Facebook page, providing valuable insights and timely tips to her followers. You can also join her Facebook Groups to learn more about Lead Ads and the group for leading entrepreneurs.

One of our favorite pieces from Smith is her “oldie-but-goodie” blog post that teaches what not to do on social media. This is a prime example of the kind of practical and easy-to-understand advice that makes her a leading expert in the field.

We at SocialSellinator can help you implement the strategies proposed by Mari Smith, along with other top social media marketing experts. Our services are designed to provide you with the most effective social media management and digital marketing approaches, tailored to your specific needs.

Stay tuned for more insights from top social media marketing experts. In our next section, we'll introduce you to Neil Patel and his game-changing strategies for digital marketing.

Expert 3: Neil Patel

A Glimpse Into Neil Patel's Achievements

When we talk about top social media marketing experts, it's impossible to omit Neil Patel. Neil has been instrumental in founding several successful companies, including CrazyEggs, Kissmetrics, and now he is focusing on Ubersuggest, AnswerThePublic, and NP Digital through digital marketing.

His expertise is recognized worldwide, with accolades from Forbes, the Wall Street Journal, and Entrepreneur Magazine, to name a few. He offers invaluable strategies for businesses of all sizes, making him a must-follow for anyone wanting to optimize their social media strategies.

Neil Patel's Social Media Marketing Strategies

Neil Patel's approach to social media marketing is holistic. He emphasizes the importance of SEO, content writing, affiliate marketing, and YouTube growth. His strategies are designed to maximize a company's online presence, drive high-quality traffic, and ultimately, increase sales.

For instance, his insights on SEO emphasize the importance of keyword research, crafting quality content, and leveraging backlinks to enhance a website's visibility on search engine results pages.

Moreover, his advice on content writing underlines the significance of creating engaging, informative, and value-driven content that resonates with your audience.

Lastly, he highlights the power of affiliate marketing and YouTube growth as robust avenues for enhancing brand visibility and driving revenue.

As we implement our client strategies at SocialSellinator, we often find ourselves aligning with Neil's recommendations, particularly about the importance of creating quality content and leveraging SEO for better online visibility.

Following Neil Patel

Staying updated with Neil Patel's insights is easy. You can follow him on his website, where he regularly posts about the latest trends and strategies in digital marketing.

Following Neil Patel can give you a deeper understanding of how to leverage social media platforms and digital marketing strategies to achieve your business goals. But remember, understanding these strategies is just the first step. The next is implementation, and that's where we come in.

Stay tuned as we delve into more insights from top social media marketing experts in the upcoming sections. Next up is Rand Fishkin, whose expertise in SEO and content marketing strategies is unparalleled.

Expert 4: Rand Fishkin

Brief bio and achievements of Rand Fishkin

Known as the "Wizard of Moz," Rand Fishkin is a prominent figure in the realm of digital marketing. He is the founder and former CEO of Moz, a leading SEO software company, and the co-founder of Recognized by Business Week as one of the 30 Best Tech Entrepreneurs Under 30, his innovative approach to marketing has been profiled by renowned publications such as The New York Times and Newsweek.

Key social media marketing strategies suggested by Rand Fishkin

Fishkin is a trusted source of information when it comes to entrepreneurship, marketing, and SEO. He believes in user experience (UX) focused marketing strategies, which are particularly effective when catering to younger markets. His signature “Whiteboard Friday” videos on Moz are a treasure trove of SEO insights that are easily digestible even for non-experts.

How to follow and learn from Rand Fishkin

You can follow Rand Fishkin on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. However, for a deep dive into his expertise, we recommend his Whiteboard Friday blog on Moz, which is a fantastic resource for anyone looking to learn SEO and implement effective social media marketing strategies.

At SocialSellinator, we appreciate the value of learning from top social media marketing experts like Rand Fishkin. We utilize their insights to create customized, effective, and trend-conscious strategies for our clients. Whether it's boosting your brand awareness or orchestrating a successful social media campaign, our team is ready to help you make the most of your social media marketing efforts.

Expert 5: Ann Handley

Brief Bio and Achievements of Ann Handley

Our final expert in this list of top social media marketing experts is Ann Handley, a leading figure in the digital marketing industry with over three decades of experience. With her vast knowledge and unparalleled insights, Handley has cemented her place as one of the most influential social media marketing experts.

She holds the honor of being named among Forbes' top 10 social media influencers and is a best-selling author on content marketing. Her books, including the Wall Street Journal bestseller, Everybody Writes, are considered essential reads for anyone striving to excel in the field of digital marketing.

Handley is the chief content officer of MarketingProfs and co-founder of ClickZ, a leading online publication for digital marketing. Her achievements and contributions to the industry are a testament to her expertise and dedication.

Key Social Media Marketing Strategies Suggested by Ann Handley

Handley's core focus lies in areas such as copywriting, content strategy, marketing, social media, and customer service. She strongly advocates for the creation of engaging, valuable content that can capture the audience's interest and effectively communicate your brand message.

She offers a wealth of actionable tips on improving writing skills for better marketing outcomes, emphasizing the importance of building meaningful relationships with customers. Handley believes in the power of authentic engagement, urging companies to invest time and effort in not just selling their products but also interacting with their audience.

How to Follow and Learn From Ann Handley

To keep up with Ann Handley's insights and tips, you can follow her LinkedIn page or visit her blog where she regularly shares her thoughts on current trends and best practices in digital marketing.

We at SocialSellinator deeply admire Handley’s approach to content and social media marketing. Her insights are invaluable to us, as they enable us to create successful social media campaigns that resonate with our clients' audiences.

As we wrap up our list of top social media marketing experts, remember that the key to a successful social media strategy lies in continuous learning and adapting. By following these experts, you can stay ahead of the curve and gain the knowledge you need to drive your brand's success on social media platforms.

In the next section, we'll discuss how SocialSellinator can help you implement the strategies suggested by these experts. So stay tuned!

How to Implement These Strategies with SocialSellinator

The above-mentioned experts offer a wealth of insights into social media marketing. But how do you implement these strategies effectively? That's where we come in. As a top social media and digital marketing agency, SocialSellinator is your partner in turning these expert strategies into tangible results.

Overview of SocialSellinator's services

We provide a comprehensive suite of digital marketing services designed to address your specific needs and challenges. Our range of services includes:

  1. Social Media Management: We build and optimize your social media profiles to drive high volumes of visitors, create engaging content, and grow your network.
  2. Blog Writing and Content Marketing: Our team creates insightful blogs and other content marketing materials to establish your brand as a thought leader in your field.
  3. Facebook and Google Ads: We create targeted ad campaigns to increase your reach and drive conversions.
  4. SEO: We optimize your online presence to improve your search engine rankings and visibility.
  5. LinkedIn Lead Generation: We connect you with potential buyers and decision-makers to boost your sales and revenue.

How SocialSellinator can help implement the strategies suggested by these experts

Our team of experienced professionals specializes in turning expert strategies into successful campaigns. Here's how we can help you implement the strategies suggested by top social media marketing experts:

  1. Understanding Your Audience: Just like Neil Patel emphasizes, we also believe in the importance of understanding your audience. We use data-driven strategies to target your ideal buyers and create content that resonates with them.
  2. Content Creation: Influenced by Ann Handley's approach, we focus on creating unique, high-quality content that helps you stand out in your field.
  3. Authentic Engagement: In line with Mari Smith's advice, we believe in the power of authentic engagement. We prioritize genuine interactions that foster customer loyalty and lead to sales.
  4. SEO Optimization: Taking a leaf out of Rand Fishkin's book, we place a high emphasis on SEO. We optimize your online presence to improve your search engine rankings and visibility.
  5. Brand Strategy: Inspired by Gary Vaynerchuk's philosophy, we work on building a strong brand strategy that aligns with your business goals and resonates with your audience.

Implementing expert strategies requires time, expertise, and a deep understanding of digital marketing. But you don't have to do it alone. Partner with us, and let's turn your digital marketing challenges into opportunities for growth and success. Check out our services page to learn more about how we can help you boost your social media marketing game.

In conclusion, following top social media marketing experts can provide valuable insights and strategies. But to truly reap the benefits, you need to implement these strategies effectively. And that's what we're here for. So let's work together and elevate your brand's social media presence.


Keeping up with the ever-evolving landscape of social media can be daunting. However, following the top social media marketing experts can provide you with cutting-edge strategies, innovative ideas, and valuable insights. These experts are pioneers in the field, consistently pushing the boundaries of what's possible in social media marketing.

But merely following these experts isn't enough. What matters most is how you implement these strategies. After all, the end goal is to boost your brand's presence, engage your audience, and drive business growth. That's where we come in.

At SocialSellinator, we understand the challenges you face in navigating the digital world. Our expert team is committed to translating the insights from these experts into effective, result-driven strategies for your business. We take the guesswork out of social media management, ensuring your campaigns are data-driven, targeted, and impactful.

Whether you're looking to enhance your brand awareness through social media management, need help planning a successful social media campaign, or want to stay ahead of current social media marketing trends, we're here to help.

Our approach is customized, considering the unique needs and objectives of your business. We provide a comprehensive suite of services, from content creation to SEO optimization, all under one roof. This means you can focus on what you do best - running your business, while we take care of your digital marketing needs.

So don't just follow the top social media marketing experts. Join us in implementing their strategies to create a powerful and effective social media presence. Contact us today for more information and assistance. Let's work together to turn insights into success.