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How to Create a Digital Marketing Strategy for Your Agency

Written by SocialSellinator Team | Aug 4, 2023 12:14:53 PM

In today’s digital age, a strong digital marketing strategy is essential for business success and growth online. For digital marketing agencies, creating a winning strategy is crucial. It provides direction and focus for clients and establishes the agency as an authority in the field.

When formulating a digital marketing plan, agencies should consider key elements. Firstly, the strategy should align with the agency’s overall business goals. What does the agency hope to achieve in the short and long term? Common goals include acquiring new clients, increasing revenue, expanding services, growing thought leadership, and boosting brand awareness. Clear goals help tailor the strategy to achieve them.

The strategy should also reflect a deep understanding of the agency’s target audience and clients. Insightful persona development allows for messaging, services, and campaigns that resonate. This attracts qualified leads and improves client retention.

Understanding the current digital marketing landscape, including trends, technologies, techniques, and channels, is crucial. This enables timely and relevant recommendations and tactics that showcase expertise and provide strategic value.

Lastly, the digital marketing strategy must align with the agency’s desired positioning and brand identity. Whether it’s being cutting-edge or traditional, finding the right balance between expertise and meeting client needs is important.

By considering goals, audience, market dynamics, and branding, agencies can create a winning digital marketing strategy. Let’s explore the key components.

Table of Content
How to Create A Digital Marketing Strategy
Define Your Goals For Your Agency Digital Plan
Defining Your Target Audience and Ideal Client For A Successful Digital Marketing Strategy For your Agency
Analyzing The Digital Marketing Landscape To Optimize Your Digital Marketing Strategies
Defining Your Agency's Offerings and Areas of Expertise
Strategic Digital Marketing: Developing a Killer Brand Positioning and Messaging Strategy
Best Digital Marketing Strategies: Selecting The Right Marketing Channels and Tactics
Crafting Client Onboarding, Retention, and Upsell Strategies
Measuring Performance and Results
Refreshing the Strategy and Planning Ahead
Frequently Asked Questions 


Key Takeaways

  1. Craft a digital marketing strategy that aligns with your agency’s business goals and objectives
  2. Understand your target audience and the ideal client to create tailored messaging and campaigns
  3. Stay informed about the current digital marketing landscape, including trends, technologies, and channels
  4. Align your digital marketing strategy with your agency’s positioning and brand identity
  5. Develop a comprehensive plan that includes defining goals, target audience, key messaging, and specific strategies and platforms to be used
  6. Measure performance and results to prove ROI to clients and optimize campaigns
  7. Regularly refresh and update your strategy to stay relevant and effective in a fast-paced digital marketing environment.


How to Create A Digital Marketing Strategy

Developing a digital marketing strategy is crucial for every agency aiming to optimize its online visibility and efficiently engage its intended audience. A well-crafted strategy serves as a roadmap that outlines the agency’s goals, target audience, key messaging, and the particular strategies and platforms that will be utilized to accomplish those objectives. An agency can develop a comprehensive and effective digital marketing strategy by following the steps below.


Define Your Goals For Your Agency Digital Plan

In the initial stages of formulating a digital marketing strategy, it is imperative to identify the specific objectives to be achieved accurately. These objectives could vary widely, each tailored to the distinctive requirements of your business.

You can enhance your brand's presence in the highly competitive digital marketplace, ensuring your brand's identification is prominent. Alternatively, you may consider a different approach that centres around lead generation. This involves creating a robust database of prospective customers who have shown interest in your offerings. Another possibility is that your strategy primarily drives sales, converting potential leads into actual customers who positively impact your revenue.

Regardless of your particular objectives, their clear definition is of paramount importance. This initial step should be considered. The goals you establish will act as the backbone of your digital marketing strategy, influencing every subsequent decision, campaign, and content creation.



Enhance brand presence in the digital marketplace

Focus on increasing brand visibility and recognition in the highly competitive online space.

Generate leads

Build a strong database of potential customers who have shown interest in your products or services.

Drive sales

Convert potential leads into actual customers, ultimately impacting revenue generation.

Tailor the strategy to meet specific business requirements

Customize the digital marketing approach to align with the unique needs and goals of your business.

Provide direction

Clearly defined objectives act as a guiding light, ensuring a focused and purposeful digital marketing strategy that avoids ambiguity and wasted efforts.

Influence decision-making, campaigns, and content creation

The established goals serve as a foundation for making informed decisions, designing effective campaigns, and creating relevant and engaging content.


In the digital marketing landscape, precision is crucial. A clearly defined goal serves as a beacon, offering direction amid ambiguity. By articulating your objectives explicitly from the beginning, you pave the way for a digital marketing strategy customized to your business's specific needs and capable of delivering tangible outcomes.


Defining Your Target Audience and Ideal Client For A Successful Digital Marketing Strategy For your Agency

One of the most important elements of a digital marketing strategy is defining the agency's target audience and ideal client. With an intimate understanding of who the agency aims to serve, creating truly tailored and effective marketing is possible.

The target audience is a profile of the prospects the agency hopes to attract. This includes demographic details like company size, industry, location, and budget. But it should also capture behavioral data such as challenges they face, goals they have, and responses to marketing messages. The more comprehensive the profile, the better.

Buyer personas are a great tool for building robust target audience profiles. Personas represent a fictional, generalized version of the ideal customer. This allows you to get very specific about pain points, motivations, objections, and preferred content formats. While personas shouldn't be assumed to apply to every prospect, they serve as a stand-in during strategy development.

In addition to the target audience, the digital marketing strategy should clearly define the ideal client for the agency. While the target audience represents the full spectrum of prospects, the ideal client is the niche segment that the agency wants to specialize in. This might mean working with specific company sizes, budgets, industries, or even individual buyer personalities.

Being as narrow and specialized as possible with the ideal client definition is recommended. This allows the agency to tailor its offering and marketing to resonate with and convert that niche. It also helps establish thought leadership and credibility in serving that client profile.

For example, an agency might define its target audience as "B2B companies with $5M to $50M in revenue across all industries". But their ideal client is "B2B SaaS startups in hypergrowth mode with $15-25M in revenue". The more focused the ideal client definition, the better.

Clearly defining the target audience and ideal client up front provides direction for all aspects of the digital marketing strategy. From messaging and positioning to services offered and tactics used, who the agency aims to serve should inform every decision. Take the time to build out detailed, research-backed profiles. It's a critical investment that pays dividends through strategic alignment.


Analyzing The Digital Marketing Landscape To Optimize Your Digital Marketing Strategies

The digital marketing landscape is constantly evolving. New technologies emerge platforms rise and fall, and consumer behaviors shift. For agencies looking to craft a winning digital marketing strategy, deeply analyzing and understanding this landscape is essential.

  1. Start by assessing the current state of the most relevant digital marketing channels - search, social, content, email, etc. Which platforms and tactics are surging in adoption? Which is fading out? Are budgets increasing or decreasing in certain areas? Look for trends and patterns.
  2. Competitive analysis is also key. Research what services competitors offer, how they position themselves, and what tactics they invest in. This can reveal gaps in the market and oversaturated offerings to avoid.
  3. Analyzing challenges and opportunities unique to the target audience is also important. What marketing tactics resonate best with them right now? How do they consume information? Where and how can the agency insert itself into its customer journey?
  4. The agency should also stay on top of algorithm changes, advertising platforms, and influencer marketing landscapes. For example, pay attention to Google's annual search algorithm updates and how they impact SEO. Or Facebook's latest advertising updates and how they change audience targeting capabilities.
  5. Horizon watching for emerging technologies like AI, AR, voice search, and connected devices is crucial too. Agencies that can adopt these early and use them for clients have an advantage.
  6. No analysis is complete without a review of overall digital marketing spend and budgets. Industry reports can provide benchmark data to understand where budgets increase or decrease across channels.

This landscape analysis gives key inputs when crafting strategies and tactical plans. It ensures recommendations are timely, relevant, and designed to maximize results. Dedicated competitor analysis, trend tracking, and audience research should be ongoing activities. At a minimum, conduct a thorough audit annually before strategy planning.


Defining Your Agency's Offerings and Areas of Expertise

The services and areas of expertise an agency offers should stem directly from the goals, target audience, ideal client, and landscape analysis. Avoid generic, disjointed offerings in an attempt to be all things to all prospects. Rather, take a strategic, niche-focused approach.

  1.         Start by looking for gaps in competitor offerings where you can establish a specialty. For example, if few competitors offer link building, make it a core service. Or, if you spot an opportunity to become the thought leader in influencer marketing for the travel space, seize that positioning.
  2.         Next, ensure services align with and help solve the target audience and ideal client's pain points. Scalable solutions like SEO, nurture campaigns, and analytics make sense for SaaS startups. Influencer partnerships and social advertising may be better fitted for a consumer brand.
  3.         Consider both inbound and outbound digital marketing services. Inbound means driving visitors to owned sites through SEO, content, and social. And outbound is about paid advertising to reach external audiences. Typically a combination works best, but strategically emphasize one over the other depending on the business model.
  4.         When defining expertise, think granular. For example, don't just default to offering generic social media marketing. Rather, call out specific strategies like developing influencer programs on Instagram, running sweepstakes through TikTok hashtag challenges, or optimizing Facebook conversion campaigns.
  5.         Convey the results and ROI your services deliver. For example, highlight case studies showing a 20% increase in leads from SEO or a 500% increase in email open rates. Back up expertise claims with concrete data.
  6.         It can also be strategic to specialize in specific customer types, company sizes, or industries/niches. For example, an agency may only work with B2B tech companies in the mobile app space. Don't spread yourself too thin trying to serve every business type imaginable.

Revisit service definitions annually as part of the strategy refresh process. Look for opportunities to expand offerings where expertise and demand align. And consider sunsetting services that are underperforming or no longer relevant. Specializing takes courage, but doing so builds authority and boosts conversions.


Strategic Digital Marketing: Developing a Killer Brand Positioning and Messaging Strategy

A strong brand positioning and messaging strategy is critical for digital marketing agencies. It's how you consistently communicate your differentiators, competencies, and value to the market. When done right, it attracts ideal prospects and helps convert them into clients.

  1.       Start by distilling what makes your agency uniquely qualified to serve your target audience and ideal client. This could include your background, skills, passion areas, results achieved, processes, or strategic approach. Identify what sets you apart from competitors and makes you the stand-out choice.
  2.         From there, develop key messaging pillars focused on your differentiators. For example, if custom strategy solutions are your strength, make that a central message. If you offer integrated cross-channel campaigns, consistently highlight that combo. These pillars form the foundation for all marketing communications.
  3.         Next, align messaging with your ideal client's needs, pain points, and goals. For SaaS startups, your messaging should focus on lead gen and lower CAC. For e-commerce brands, highlight conversion rate optimization. This ensures relevance and resonance.
  4.         Make messaging conversational, clear, and direct. Avoid overused industry jargon and focus on being human and approachable. B2B buyers crave authenticity and plain talk about how you can impact their business goals.

Beyond capabilities, it conveys the agency's values, personality, and culture through messaging and branding. For example, highlight community involvement, transparency, or your lively team. This helps attract not just ideal clients but ideal team members.

Distill messaging into succinct statements for use across platforms:

  1.  Positioning statement
  2. Email signature tagline
  3. About page copy
  4. Campaign headlines and ad copy
  5. Sales presentation summaries

Consistency is key. The more you reinforce the same differentiators through all touchpoints, the stronger your positioning will become. Revisit messaging annually to keep it fresh and aligned with market trends.

Brand positioning and messaging set the foundation for all marketing and sales materials when done right. It enables you to engage prospects on what matters most to them and convey why you're uniquely qualified to deliver it. So take the time to craft compelling messaging that attracts your ideal clients.


Best Digital Marketing Strategies: Selecting The Right Marketing Channels and Tactics

The digital marketing landscape offers endless channels and tactics for agencies to leverage. But not all provide equal value in attracting and converting your ideal clients. Choose wisely based on your audience, offering, and bandwidth.

Start by selecting 1-3 primary channels to focus your efforts on. For example, you may invest heavily in content marketing and SEO if your audience relies on educational content for research. Or focus on paid search and Facebook ads for those who prefer promotional messaging. Avoid spreading efforts too thin.

When evaluating tactics, look for options that work well at different stages of the buyer's journey. For example, use lead magnets like whitepapers to capture inbound research-phase leads. Then deploy email nurturing campaigns to stay top of mind. And run retargeting ads to conversions once they're sales-ready.

Take into account a combination of inbound and outbound strategies dependent on business structures, profit margins, and objectives. Agencies with higher-touch services may invest more in inbound content, community, and SEO. Those offering fast turnaround or low-cost services can benefit more from aggressive outbound paid acquisition.

Beyond standard digital marketing channels, consider specialty options that align with your expertise. For example, if you specialize in link building, focus efforts on outreach emails and industry partnerships. Or, if you have influencer marketing chops, build an internal influencer network.

When evaluating new tactics, run small tests first. See what provides the best return based on conversions driven and bandwidth required. With clear success metrics defined upfront, you have the opportunity to intensify your focus on successful strategies and discard those that prove ineffective.

Ongoing optimization should also inform channel and tactic selection. Monitor analytics to see which initiatives have the highest ROI. Increase investment there while phasing out lower-performing programs over time.

Tactics to consider include:

  1. Content offers and ads
  2. Email nurturing and automation
  3. Paid search and social campaigns
  4. Retargeting and remarketing
  5. SEO and backlinking
  6. Website optimization
  7. Chatbots and messaging
  8. Webinars and events
  9. Influencer partnerships
  10. Industry networking and PR

Avoid random acts of tactical marketing. With a strategic selection of channels and campaigns, you amplify results while focusing team bandwidth on what matters most. Revisit channel mix and specific programs quarterly and annually to iterate based on learnings and market changes.


Crafting Client Onboarding, Retention, and Upsell Strategies

Attracting qualified prospects is only step one. For long-term agency success, you need strategies to smoothly onboard clients, retain them long-term, and upsell additional services. When done right, the initial sales cycle kickstarts a rewarding relationship driven by trust, communication, and ongoing value.

Your onboarding process starts even before sign-off. Set expectations for timelines, communication cadences, requirements, and success metrics upfront. Lay out the next steps and have the paperwork ready to go.

Once signed, schedule a thorough kickoff call to align on goals, strategies, logistics, and immediate next steps for the engagement. Be proactive in communicating the responsibilities of both the client and the agency to prevent misunderstandings.

Early in the relationship is when strong foundations are built. So overcommunicate, seek feedback often, and instill confidence through your expertise. Make it easy for the client to trust you with their business goals.

Ongoing retention is driven by consistent value delivery and proactive communication. Check-in regularly on the health of campaigns, highlight successes achieved, and keep the client looped in on progress. Send recaps of monthly performance and strategy recommendations.

Upsells happen naturally when you showcase expertise across services. For example, pitch SEO audits to clients focused only on PPC initially. Or demonstrate how retargeting can amplify their email marketing results. Make recommendations tailored specifically to them.

Routinely ask for feedback and look for ways to improve the client experience. Healthy long-term relationships are built on trust and transparency. Admit mistakes quickly but also highlight your team’s wins and passion for their success.

Finally, don’t solely rely on clients to renew contracts. Be proactive, reaching out 60-90 days before asking for a meeting to recap performance, discuss next steps, and explore expanded collaborations. Top clients give referrals, case studies, and testimonials too.

With thoughtful onboarding, retention, and upsell strategies, you transform clients into agency advocates with expanded, long-term collaborations.


Measuring Performance and Results

A successful digital marketing strategy must include clear performance tracking and results measurement. This is how you prove ROI to clients, optimize campaigns, demonstrate expertise, and pitch the value of expanded budgets.

  1. Start by defining quantitative performance metrics aligned to overarching agency goals. For example, you have reached the new customer target Or qualified inbound leads generated. Or portfolio client retention rate. Ensure every goal has a metric.
  2. Build campaign reports focused on ROI performance specific to each service and tactic used. Show how SEO delivers a 720% ROI based on traffic and conversion value generated. Prove how every $1 spent on Facebook ads returns $7 in sales.
  3. Leverage tools like Google Analytics, call tracking, chat transcripts, and CRM data to connect meaningful dots. Demonstrate the full customer journey across touchpoints leading to closes and expansions.
  4. Look beyond bottom-line metrics to showcase expertise. Flaunt ranking improvements for target keywords. Share side-by-side ad creative performance comparisons. Present thorough audit findings and recommendations.
  5. For clients, reporting provides tangible proof of campaign efficacy and assurance of budget stewardship. Share insights, optimize based on data, and recap at least quarterly. Justify progress, budgets, and ongoing collaboration through results.
  6. Internally, KPI dashboards focused on lead gen, sales cycle, lifetime value, and retention help spot bottlenecks. Are leads generated but not converted? Is sales follow-up lacking? Do clients fail to renew? Diagnose issues.
  7. Ongoing performance data also informs strategy evolution. Double down on top-performing channels and campaigns next year. Eliminate or reduce investment in continually underperforming areas. Pivot strategy over time based on real market response.
  8. Lastly, results validation through professional certifications, awards, and case studies evidences expertise. For example, highlight Google Ads certifications, HubSpot partner badge, or Forrester case study writeup. Promote third-party endorsements.

In the digital marketing space, data reigns supreme. Track performance meticulously, diagnose issues, optimize routinely, and flaunt wins. This data-driven approach fuels continual improvement.


Refreshing the Strategy and Planning Ahead

The final step to any digital marketing strategy is building processes for regular refreshing and planning ahead. Agencies operate in a fast-moving environment with changing buyer behaviors, competitor offerings, platform algorithms, etc. A stale strategy quickly becomes irrelevant and ineffective.

  1. Set reminders to revisit the target audience and ideal client profiles annually. Update based on new customer research, campaign feedback, and market trends you observe. Refresh personas, pain points, and behaviors.
  2. Analyze the digital marketing landscape quarterly to stay on top of new features, formats, and algorithm updates impacting campaigns. If TikTok rolls out a new ad objective, be ready to test it. Capitalize on what competitors miss.
  3. Evaluate current agency offerings 2-3 times per year. Look for opportunities to expand into new high-demand services where you can excel. Or retire services that no longer generate results or align with your strategy. Evolve your mix.
  4. Messaging and positioning should also be re-examined annually. Update positioning statements and website messaging to reflect new agency capabilities, achievements, differentiators, and expertise. Keep it compelling.
  5. Campaign performance analysis should happen at a minimum quarterly. Make data-driven decisions to increase investment where ROI is proven and pull back on continually underperforming initiatives. Use real results to guide budget allocation.
  6. Schedule an annual strategy summit with agency leadership and teams to review performance, Metrics, market landscape, offerings, and more. Brainstorm and align priorities and strategic direction for the coming year.

By refreshing elements of your digital marketing strategy on a routine basis, you ensure continued alignment with the market and effectiveness for clients. Be vigilant in staying on top of changes that impact strategy and be ready to correct course quickly. An outdated strategy quickly leads to missed opportunities.



In the fast-paced digital marketing world, a robust strategy is crucial for agencies to attract, convert, and retain ideal clients while driving growth. Begin by identifying your target audience and analyzing competitor offerings to uncover market opportunities.

Based on this analysis, define your agency's specialties and services, along with compelling brand positioning, to draw in qualified prospects. Utilize a balanced mix of marketing channels to generate and nurture leads, guiding them through the buyer's journey toward conversion.

Build trust with clients through demonstrated results and effective relationship management, making client retention and upselling more seamless. Regular performance measurement supports business growth and expanded engagements.

Refresh your strategy regularly to stay ahead of market changes and maintain client attraction and conversion. Consistency, specialization, and evolution are essential for sustainable success.

Despite the effort required, the returns of a well-planned digital marketing strategy can be substantial. It allows you to strategically define your expertise, streamline operations, and standardize messaging, resulting in an efficient, lead-generating agency positioned for long-term success.


Frequently Asked Questions 

  1. How do you create a digital marketing agency strategy?
    A: To create a digital marketing agency strategy, first define your business goals and services. Identify your target audience and their needs. Develop a unique selling proposition (USP) and decide on a pricing model. Create a marketing plan that includes strategies for content marketing, SEO, email marketing, and social media. Ensure each strategy aligns with your overall goals and target audience. Regularly measure, track, and refine your strategies using analytics tools.

  2. How do you create a winning marketing strategy?
    A: To create a winning marketing strategy, understand your audience through market research and create a customer persona. Set clear objectives aligned with business goals, and develop a multi-channel marketing plan. Monitor the results and adjust your strategy as needed. A successful strategy evolves with your business and market dynamics.

  3. Q: How should we adjust our strategy based on performance data?
    A: Double down on top-performing channels and campaigns, reduce investment in underperforming areas, and pivot your strategy based on real market responses.

  4. Q: What are some ways to validate our results and expertise?
    A: Professional certifications, awards, and case studies can evidence your expertise. Promote third-party endorsements such as Google Ads certifications, HubSpot partner badges, or Forrester case study writeups.

  5. Q: How frequently should we update our digital marketing strategy?
    A: Revisit your target audience and ideal client profiles annually, analyze the digital marketing landscape quarterly, evaluate your offerings 2-3 times per year, and re-examine messaging and positioning annually.

  6. Q: What should be included in our annual strategy summit?
    A: Review performance metrics, market landscape, offerings, and more. Brainstorm and align priorities and strategic direction for the coming year.