When it comes to content marketing, you want to deliver the best content available. Writing quality content is more than typing words on a digital screen – great content pops!
But the content is only part of what gives your words traction. Are your words visually appealing? Or is there a mismatch (see graphic - get it?!) between what you say and what your readers see first when they turn the page to your article?
That is why successful communications professionals use multimedia in their content marketing strategies. People do judge books by their covers. Making your content visually appealing creates a greater chance of success in being noticed by the public.
Here are some guidelines to making great content:
1. Images
If the design of your content is bland, you will not win an audience. Use appealing images. Human beings are visual creatures so make the most of your presentation by using imagery to supply your message. Do your visuals match your message?
2. Videos
In choosing to read content or watch a video, today’s tech savvy public will choose video to consume information. It’s one of the reasons why YouTube is so popular. Videos are just far more entertaining and a faster way to gain information. If you use a video as part of your presentation, keep it tight. Watching a 90 seconds video on your sofa when you put together slides is fun. But when you're in a room with 100 people watching it, this can become real torture.
3. Slideshows
If you have many images that you want to use in your content, adding a slideshow is a great way to communicate a lot of information in a small amount of space. Just don't forget that that YOU should tell the story. Don't just read of the slides. Use Guy Kawasaki's rule.
4. Audio
In a busy world, not everyone has time to sit down and read. Creating an audio presentation, such as a podcast, is another valuable asset in delivering content to your audience. Have you ever thought of using your blog as chapters for a podcast that you can promote?
Think of it as an integrated marketing strategy for your brand. Using multimedia creates multiple avenues to reach your demographic.