Buyer Persona Creation Template
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What Is a Buyer Persona?
A buyer persona is a description of your digital marketing target customer, including demographics, behaviours, and goals.

Why do you need a Buyer Persona?
Where do you find your digital marketing buyer persona?
For well-defined digital marketing target customers, the information is probably already available in your company's digital marketing data. Find commonalities in digital marketing targets, and add external sources when necessary to round out the digital marketing profile of your buyer persona. Here are some common digital marketing buyer persona sources:
- digital marketing metrics (page views, time on site, length of stay)
- digital marketing demographics (age, gender, location)
- digital marketing behaviours (search keywords used)
- digital marketing psychographics (hobbies and interests)
- external digital market data (demographics/psychographics/behaviour digital marketing data for similar industries or business that are most like the digital marketing target customer)
- digital marketing personas (if your digital marketing budget is low, look at competitor digital marketing personas to find commonalities with your digital marketing targets)
As you can see, your digital marketing buyer personas are based on current digital marketing target customers. You may already have digital marketing buyer personas that you created for your digital marketing campaigns. If not, use your digital presence to gather insights into what your digital target customers like and dislike about the digital content you provide. Alternatively, if you don't have an existing digital footprint, use social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn to gather digital marketing buyer personas.
How do you create a digital marketing buyer persona?
- Age group - Income level - Geographic location - Gender - Occupation / Title - Education level
Behaviours and buying preferences
- Digital habits - Social media usage - Goals
Challenges and pain points
- Digital marketing challenges faced by your digital marketing target customers - Digital marketing pain points experienced by your digital marketing target customers

Why Should Digital Marketers Have Buyer Personas?
Digital marketing relies on knowing your target customer to maximize digital marketing results. A digital marketer without buyer personas has no way of knowing which customers are most likely to buy their product or service, thus creating a digital marketing machine that is less effective than it could be. Digital marketers should have digital marketing buyer personas so that they can use digital analytics digital social media data to figure out how to position digital products and services in digital marketplaces where digital customers are most likely to see them. Digital marketing buyer persona information can also tell digital marketers the types of messages that will resonate with digital customers, what social media outlets digital customers prefer, and which digital targets digital customers trust for digital marketing advice. Digital marketing buyer personas make digital marketers more efficient, help digital marketers understand digital customer behaviour, and create digital products that resonate with digital customers.

What is the difference between digital marketing personas and buyer personas?
Why are buyer personas important?

How do you create buyer personas?

Why should I create buyer personas?
The whole idea behind digital marketing, social media marketing and digital PR in general is that digital marketing is people-centric. That means that digital marketing success boils down to how digital marketers interact with their target audience and digital agency consumers.
Without knowing who your digital agency's clientele is, digital marketers and digital agencies struggle to create effective digital strategies and often struggle to meet business goals. There are a number of reasons why digital marketers should know digital agency clientele.
Firstly, digital marketing should be people-centric and digital marketers should focus on how digital strategies will affect their target audience in order to generate digital ROI. If digital agencies do not have buyer personas then digital marketers cannot create effective digital marketing strategies because they don't know who the digital agencies want to target.
Secondly, digital marketers should know digital agency clientele in order to create digital strategies that digital agencies can actually execute. Digital marketers want digital strategies that will help them generate digital ROI and if digital agencies don't have buyer personas then digital marketers cannot create effective digital marketing strategies because they don't know which digital channels digital agencies should use.
Finally, digital marketers need digital agency clientele to understand digital PR, social media marketing, and digital marketing in general. Digital marketers often work with digital agencies on digital PR but without knowing digital agency clientele digital marketers cannot predict what kind of news will engage their target audience. For example, if a digital agency represents a luxury fashion brand and digital marketers want to make a digital PR campaign for this fashion brand's new digital jeans then digital marketers need to know digital agency clientele so they can choose digital channels that their target audience uses.
What is the process of creating buyer personas?
The first thing you should do is review your website traffic statistics and find out what channels your digital marketing is based on. If you don't have digital marketing data then you cannot create effective digital marketing strategies because digital marketers will make decisions according to their gut feelings and existing plans rather than going with the data.
If you do have digital marketing data based on analytics, look at this marketing data and find out what demographic groups are using digital marketing channels. For example, digital marketers who use digital out-of-home advertising should look at digital marketing data and find out what demographic groups are most likely to visit billboards. You can also review social media statistics but you should keep in mind that social media is often about engagement whereas digital marketing is not.

How do buyer personas benefit digital marketers?
When you know who your digital marketing target audience is, it's far easier to come up with digital marketing ideas that appeal to your digital marketing audience. Furthermore, by creating digital marketing personas for each digital channel or social media platform you use digital marketing on (e.g. digital marketing new social media platform), you can tailor your digital marketing messages to be more effective for each digital channel or social media platform. You can of course still create digital marketing personas that apply across multiple digital channels and social media platforms, but digital marketers often like to make the most of new digital marketing platforms by tailoring digital marketing messages to these channels or social media platforms.

How do you create a buyer persona?
A buyer persona is a detailed description of your ideal client. It's important to know who you're marketing to, but it's also important for digital marketers not to get carried away with the idea that they need to appeal to everyone. Putting together a buyer persona means understanding your client deeply, from their location and age through to what makes them tick.
Thanks to digital technology, marketers now have more information about customers than they ever did before. Everything from social media posts and digital footprints through to shopping habits now contributes to a digital footprint of personal data.
In order to create a buyer persona, you need to gather as much information as possible about your client group – this includes demographics, interests, shopping habits, digital footprints and anything else that will give you the information you need to create detailed charisma.
The final stage of buyer persona creation is to take this digital footprint data and factor in the knowledge from your existing client base – this gives digital marketers a clear picture of who their ideal client should be.
How do you use a buyer persona?
A buyer persona is a type of marketing tool. It's a picture or description of your target market, the people who buy from you.
With a well-researched buyer persona, you can sell to anybody from any walk of life. No matter what business you're in.
You begin by understanding your own aims and objectives. Then, make a list of your ideal customers. Ask yourself:
What's the biggest problem they face on their digital journey? What solution is offered by my product or service? How can I help them on their journey (i.e. what value do I offer)?
You can then gather information on specific buyer personas. Look for digital footprints - Facebook posts, Twitter messages, and blog posts. Find them everywhere from LinkedIn to Pinterest.
What's their digital journey? Are they a beginner or experts? What digital platforms do they use? How old are they? Where do they live?
If you have a digital product, why not jump on Google Analytics and see who's buying from you?
Once you know who they are, how they live, what digital platforms they use, and what problems they face on their journey - that's when buyer persona becomes powerful. You can then create content catering specifically to that type of buyer.
The more you know about the digital journey, the easier it is to put yourself in their shoes. You can then create digital marketing campaigns that guide them through their digital journey.
You'll then get all of your digital marketing working together for maximum effectiveness. It's called 'marketing alignment'.
Don't forget how useful buyer personas are for digital marketing.
They're also super-useful for social media marketing, copywriting, and digital PR.
And don't forget the power of digital customer service. Any CRM or help desk program is designed with buyer personas in mind.
To sum up, digital is all about understanding your target market...and your buyer persona is your digital switch point.
When you're switching on digital campaigns, buyer personas are the lightbulb that illuminates all of your digital marketing.
They help you create digital content that's useful for one specific type of buyer - and they make a big difference to how well digital marketing actually works.
That's why so many digital marketers are now talking about buyer personas.
It's digital's hottest new buzzword. And for good reason...
Buyer persona = digital marketing magic!

What can you do with our buyer persona template?

Who will benefit from this template?
If digital marketers can understand digital marketing buyer personas better, they will be able to reach the right customers at the right time. That is because digital marketers may be targeting people who are not interested in digital marketing or the digital marketer's digital products and services.
This template will help digital marketers convert more of their digital marketing efforts into sales.
Who is this template aimed at?
There are many different types of digital marketers, each with different needs. Our template has been designed to help digital marketers who:
- Are working for a digital marketing agency and need to create strategies that will attract more clients
- Are creating their own digital marketing strategies and want to make them as effective as possible
- Work for digital marketing companies and want to make digital marketing strategies that are effective
- Are digital marketers who want to use digital marketing data in their digital efforts
Buyer Persona Template
Whether you’re launching a business or introducing a new product line, you need to know your buyers’ personas. This document helps you do just that. Our simple fillable pdf guides you through the strategic process of learning who your ideal customers are, what motivates and challenges them, and how they make purchasing decisions.